The Mother Fern (Asplenium bulbiferum), also known as the Hen and Chicken Fern, is a perennial fern native to New Zealand. It is characterized by its delicate, lacy fronds that can reach up to 4 feet in length. The plant earns its common name from the small bulbils (offspring) that develop on mature fronds; these bulbils can drop off and grow into new plants under suitable conditions. This fern thrives in shaded, moist environments and is popular both as a garden plant and an indoor houseplant due to its attractive foliage and unique reproductive method.
Fern - Asplenium bulbiferum
Light: Prefers bright, indirect light when grown indoors. It can tolerate low light conditions but should be protected from direct sunlight, which can scorch the fronds.
Temperature: Ideal temperatures range between 16-21°C (61-70°F). Avoid exposure to cold drafts or sudden temperature changes.
Humidity: High humidity is essential. Regular misting or placing the plant on a humidity tray can help maintain moisture levels. This fern is well-suited for bathrooms or kitchens where humidity tends to be higher.
Watering: Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Water moderately during the growing season and reduce frequency during the winter months. Ensure the pot has good drainage to prevent root rot.
Soil: Plant in well-draining, acidic soil rich in organic matter. A mix containing loam, leaf mulch, and sand is suitable.
Fertilization: Apply a balanced liquid fertilizer at half strength monthly during the growing season. Avoid over-fertilization, which can harm the plant.
Propagation: Propagate by gently removing and planting the bulbils that form on mature fronds. Place them on moist soil and maintain high humidity to encourage rooting.